Primary Focus

Putting Primary Schools first.

Primary Schools Matter

Primary Focus exists to make Australian primary schools the best in the world.

We share evidence and strategies on what makes primary schools successful with education leaders and policy makers.

Primary schools are the essential driver of every nation’s prosperity, equity and creativity. Primary schools build the mind of the nation. The quality of foundational skills provided in a society is the number one driver of prosperity and economic growth. Every level of the Australian government and all education systems needs to focus attention on improving the quality of instruction in the nation’s primary schools.
We stand for improved teacher pre-service education, in-service professional learning and higher quality curriculum resources for Australia’s committed and hard-working primary school teachers. We advocate to governments, policy-makers and education leaders to ensure they are aware of the evidence-base for the importance of lifting the nation’s cognitive capacity and creativity through better primary instruction.  
In addition to advocacy Primary Focus will provide direct support in professional learning and curriculum resources to teachers and leaders working in primary schools in socio-economically challenged communities.

Ready Pages
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Infinite Possibilities
case for change

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Are you an education leader or policy-maker who works in improving primary school education across a system or in areas of socio-economic disadvantage? Do you want to make primary school outcomes better? Let's work together.

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